Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Handling Command Line arguments.. (with getopt)

  • Normally, getopt is called in a loop. When getopt returns -1, indicating no more options are present, the loop terminates.
  • A switch statement is used to dispatch on the return value from getopt. In typical use, each case just sets a variable that is used later in the program.
  • A second loop is used to process the remaining non-option arguments.

  • #include <ctype.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <unistd.h>

    main (int argc, char **argv)
    int aflag = 0;
    int bflag = 0;
    char *cvalue = NULL;
    int index;
    int c;

    opterr = 0;

    while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "abc:")) != -1)
    switch (c)
    case 'a':
    aflag = 1;
    case 'b':
    bflag = 1;
    case 'c':
    cvalue = optarg;
    case '?':
    if (optopt == 'c')
    fprintf (stderr, "Option -%c requires an argument.\n", optopt);
    else if (isprint (optopt))
    fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt);
    fprintf (stderr,
    "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n",
    return 1;
    abort ();

    printf ("aflag = %d, bflag = %d, cvalue = %s\n",
    aflag, bflag, cvalue);

    for (index = optind; index < argc; index )
    printf ("Non-option argument %s\n", argv[index]);
    return 0;

    Compile :
    g++ testopt.cpp -o testopt

    Run with various arguments:

    % testopt

    aflag = 0, bflag = 0, cvalue = (null)

    % testopt -ab

         aflag = 1, bflag = 1, cvalue = (null)      
         % testopt -ab -c hello
         aflag = 1, bflag = 1, cvalue = hello      

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